Home Gujarat News CM attended Bhoomi Poojan of Vatsalya gram

CM attended Bhoomi Poojan of Vatsalya gram

modi vatsalya

modi vatsalya

Chief Minister Narendra Modi attended the Bhoomi Poojan of Vatsalya Gram in Kheda District on May 20th, 2013. The event saw the presence of various saints and seers including Swami Paramanand Ji Maharaj, Avichal Das ji Maharaj, Sadhvi Ritambhara ji and Indira Betiji.

Sadhvi Ritambhara ji reposed faith in Shri Modi by saying “When I look at Shri Narendra Modi ji I feel all our questions can be answered.” She further pointed out that Shri Modi has the ability to instil hope among people.


CM highlighted on the rich heritage of the place on which Vatsalya Gram is going to be built. He said, “I feel it is God’s wish that Vatsalya Gram be created on this sacred land. The tradition that Shri Avichal Das ji Maharaj leads, originated in this land 200 years back. I am happy that Vatsalya Gram is being built here,” he said.


CM also stated that Vatsalya Gram encompassed all aspects of Swami Vivekananda ’s vision . He said, “All of Swami ji’s teachings including service to the poor and ensuring that India becomes Jagat Guru can be seen at Vatsalya Gram.”


CM pointed out that it had become fashionable to label individuals. He said, “People are given labels and their work is seen through prisms.” He further stated that if one was to truly understand Sadhvi Rithambhara ji and her work, one must also look at her role in building Vatsalya Gram. He said, “Until one sees Vatsalya Gram at Vrindavan, one cannot understand Didi Maa.” He welcomed Sadhvi Ritambhara ji’s vision of service to the poor and weak.


The event was attended by a large number of people and Shri Modi expressed his satisfaction at being present at such an august gathering.




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