Home Gujarat News CM unveils a book ‘Turn Around India’

CM unveils a book ‘Turn Around India’



Chief Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a book “Turn Around India”, authored by CMD, Shiva Cement Ltd. & Vice Chairman of Odisha Assembly of Small & Medium Enterprises, R P Gupta.

CM stated his logic saying,”We should always focus on outcome rather than output and if we do that, our thinking will change and the results will be better. It has been observed that most of the Budgets etc. focus on output; how much was spent on this, how much was spent on that etc. But, our focus should be outcome, not output.”

Shri Modi referred the Jyotigram initiative and the impact with change in lives of people. Over 30% drop in migration from rural to urban and vice versa has been noticed. A sheer example of why we need socio political analysis.

CM further spoke on various issues. The most engaging thought provoking talk was on Economic issues and the state model of development. CM quoted that there has been a healthy competition between the states for development and delegates pouring in to Gujarat to study the development practices.

Work culture and influence was another debate with work distribution practices on fore and on stressing the importance of human resources and skill development. He said, “The Country has everything; it only needs to be harnessed effectively.”

He quipped, “Every citizen of India owes a lot to our Motherland and that we all must give back to Bharat Mata in any way we feel is appropriate.”

The Author R P Gupta wrote on his Facebook Wall, “We thank you Mr. Narendra Modi for your gracious presence at the launch of Turn Around India. Your effective communication to the common man, by elaborating so lucidly, will ensure that the message is well received.”

– Kidsfreesouls News Desk 



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