Home India PM Narendra Modi meets President Obama

PM Narendra Modi meets President Obama

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached White House for the private dinner hosted by US President Barack Obama. India and the US issued a vision statement “Chalein Saath Saath:Forward Together We Go” that called for a joint endeavour for prosperity and peace.

“As leaders of two great democratic nations with diverse traditions and faiths, we share a vision for a partnership in which the United States and India work together, not just for the benefit of both our nations, but for the benefit of the world,” the White House said in a statement.

Prime Minister Modi is in the early days of his first term, while Obama is in the second half of his final term in office, so there is a window of opportunity for both countries to establish a fresh chemistry and co-operate in new areas.

The vision statement said that US-India strategic partnership is a joint endeavour for prosperity and peace, and through intense consultations, joint exercises and shared technology, their security cooperation will make the region and world safe and secure.

“Together, we will combat terrorist threats and keep our homelands and citizens safe from attacks, while we respond expeditiously to humanitarian disasters and crises.

“We will prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction, and remain committed to reducing the salience of nuclear weapons, while promoting universal, verifiable, and non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament,” it said.

Asserting that the US and India will have a transformative relationship as trusted partners in the 21st century, the White House said, “Our partnership will be a model for the rest of the world”.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi referred to Environment issues. He said, “Climate change threatens both our countries, and we will join together to mitigate its impact and adapt to our changing environment. We will address the consequences of unchecked pollution through cooperation by our governments, science and academic communities. We will partner to ensure that both countries have affordable, clean, reliable, and diverse sources of energy, including through our efforts to bring American-origin nuclear power technologies to India. “

He also mentioned, “We will ensure that economic growth in both countries brings better livelihoods and welfare for all of our people. Our citizens value education as a means to a better life, and our exchange of skills and knowledge will propel our countries forward. Even the poorest will share in the opportunities in both our countries.”

The two leaders meet will have Joint research and collaboration in every aspect—ranging from particles of creation to outer space — will produce boundless innovation and high technology collaboration that changes our lives. Open markets, fair and transparent practices will allow trade in goods and services to flourish.

PM said, “Our people will be healthier as we jointly counter infectious diseases, eliminate maternal and child deaths, and work to eradicate poverty for all. And they will be safer as we ensure the fullest empowerment of women in a secure environment.

Modi and Obama have also collaborated on a joint editorial that will be published in a US newspaper tomorrow, the foreign ministry said, dubbing the first talks between the two leaders at dinner on Monday as “convivial and comforting.”

At dinner, Modi handed over a special edition of the Gita, an interpretation by Mahatma Gandhi, which had been prepared in Delhi with a cover made out of khadi, to Obama.

The 90-odd minute meeting had the two leaders sharing anecdotes about experiences in their early days in office.

“They shared many similarities – both used technology in their campaigns, both were relative outsiders in to capital cities when they assumed power. Both felt initial disappointments in terms of available infrastructure,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin told reporters.

Kidsfreesouls News Desk 

As per BBC

Delhi and Washington have strong security and trade ties, but relations have deteriorated in recent months.

Among the issues causing tension are:

India’s refusal to sign a global trade deal
A row over alleged American surveillance on the governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
A diplomatic spat involving an Indian envoy to the US
On the first day of his visit, Mr Modi used a speech to the UN to renew his country’s call for reform of the Security Council.

India has long lobbied for a permanent seat on the Security Council.

Mr Modi also said he wanted peace talks with Pakistan but insisted it should create an “appropriate atmosphere”.

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