Home NIE Tips NIE – Newspaper in Education: Literacy Program

NIE – Newspaper in Education: Literacy Program

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KIDSFREESOULS is now – The Newspapers In Education (NIE) offering students and teachers (also parents) educational resources including classroom newspapers activities, curriculum supplements and worksheets, in-house lesson debates and discussion on news pieces and much more!

Kidsfreesouls promotes Literacy and Education by providing students with Kidsfreesouls in the classroom. Students, Parents and Teachers gain a better understanding of Technology and world around them. Parents and Teachers get well informed with various sections of the Portal and can guide the Children in a more responsible manner. How to use Kidsfreesouls and tips to use Kidsfreesouls will help children gain knowledge, cultivate critical thinking and writing skills, decision-making and problem-solving techniques through a variety of reading, writing, and research activities. Students learn for better use of Technology and even Social Networks being more focused to their goals. Students develop lifelong reading habits which help them after schooling and for their overall development and growth.

Measuring Success, and Growing Lifelong Readers, NAA Foundation, 2004 has revealed Statistics : “Studies have shown that enhancing regular curriculum with the newspaper positively impacts students’ learning. National research has found that students who used the newspaper in class scored an average of 10 percent higher on standardized tests. Middle school students scored an average of 13 percent higher and middle-school minority students averaged 29 percent higher. Furthermore, 92 percent of adults who used the newspaper regularly in school said newspapers were educational and informative, 75 percent said newspapers were a welcome change and 51 percent now regularly vote in general elections.”

This gives an impact on Students and adults who use newspapers are well informed and have positive influence in their lives. At Kidsfreesouls, the NIE Program is specially designed to meet the 21st Century Learning – Literacy opening the Doors to create skilled Readers and focused on Technology and Overall Development.

Is This Free for Students?

Students Online can Follow the Tips on How to Use Kidsfreesouls. Those willing to join the NIE Program at Swagat Children Library, can contact Ilaxi Patel (only those residing in Ahmedabad). This Program is supplement to the existing Yearly Membership Program of Swagat. 

How can Parents Use the Contents?

Parents can surf Kidsfreesouls and follow the NIE Tips for use of Kidsfreesouls in Classrooms. They can utilize the ideas therein and help children for Projects. The contents are Free for print in classroom/home (no media / print in book form permitted) and follow MONTHLY PROJECTS on Kidsfreesouls. For the NIE Program at Swagat Children Library, the same is with **Fees** for which, kindly Contact.

How Teachers can Use Kidsfreesouls?

Newspapers provide information pieces in their Newspapers. Newspapers contain words and phrases used by almost everyone in everyday life, so students learn practical vocabulary by reading. Newspapers improve students’ reading skills, comprehension, reasoning ability, and retention. As mentioned about the statistics revelation, students and adults perform better reading newspapers.

However, Newspapers at large carry information on all subjects. As Online Kids Newspaper, Kidsfreesouls.com pick ‘chosen’ news pieces for Children restricting news on death, hurt, torture, accidents, thefts, etc. that leaves bad impact on their mind. Kidsfreesouls present News Pieces that can be read by Children in classrooms and thereby get a positive message and can debate on the topic. Teachers can help children with NIE Tips and How to use Kidsfreesouls – Follow the Monthly Projects and give assignment with specific topic, news pieces and pages on kidsfreesouls.com

Teachers residing in my town Ahmedabad, may please drop in for my NIE Program at Swagat Children Library Classroom. The exchange of ideas and interaction will help us to work better to cultivate Reading habits in Children and be a part of the ‘Vanche Gujarat’ Mission of Gujarat.

Want to Donate your Newspaper / Magazine?

Kidsfreesouls.com is sponsored by www.Swagatgroup.net. By Sponsoring your Newspaper/Magazine – You, your business or organization, will get the satisfaction of actively promoting literacy and supporting the ‘Vanche Gujarat’ Mission.

Kidsfreesouls will specifically mention a ‘Thank You’ on Kidsfreesouls for supporting the Literacy Mission and will receive a memento honoring your contribution to NIE and can display at your workplace.

Spread the Word

Are you on Social networks? FacebookTwitterG+ ? Join me and spread word by sharing www.kidsfreesouls.com on your posts. You will be helping many students, Teachers and Parents to gain Knowledge and Information. 


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