Home MANAGEMENT MANTRA She Means Business

She Means Business



Are you a women in Business – committed or planned to launch a business? When women succeed, we all win.

Around the globe in general, Women make up 40 percent of the world’s workforce. Many of the sectors that are critical for economic growth in some of the poorest countries rely heavily on women. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with female ownership represent 30 percent to 37 percent of all SMEs (8 million to 10 million women-owned firms) in emerging markets. These businesses have unmet financial needs of between US$260 billion and US$320 billion a year. This is their biggest barrier to growth and development.

Access to credit can open up economic opportunities for women, and bank accounts can be a gateway to the use of additional financial services. However, women entrepreneurs and employers face significantly greater challenges than men in gaining access to financial services.

The World Bank’s Gender at Work report (2014) asserts: “On virtually every global measure, women are more economically excluded than men.”

“Women entrepreneurs face more challenges that their male counterparts in their journeys towards business success, particularly with regard to raising capital. This is in spite of women-owned businesses accounting for approximately 40% of all privately-held business in the USA, employing more than 13 million people and generating $1.9 trillion USD in sales as of 2008.” reports Executive Producer Baptist of ‘She Means Business’ Documentary film.

She Means Business Documentary film is dedicated to shedding important light on the major triumphs, experiences and insights of women entrepreneurs today.  The film, which is in the fundraising stage via Kickstarter, explores the key challenges female entrepreneurs face and offers education, inspiration and information to help women overcome these challenges and move forward with their entrepreneurial ventures with greater success.

If you are on Facebook, here’s a link on #shemeansbusiness 

Facebook says, “When women do better, economies do better. That’s why Facebook is celebrating women who have built and run businesses, and delivering resources to help those who might one day do so themselves.
Because the next successful entrepreneur could be anyone. She could even be you.”
Using a range of tools, Business can be promoted, expanded with a quick glance at some of the amazing Business Owners who are growing with Facebook and one of them is ‘Me’ with my Business on Kidsfreesouls and Guardian of Angels. 
Though, the Gujarat and Indian Government comes with women empowerment and MSME schemes, there is a dire need and major step to be taken in addressing Gender inequality by raising the stature of women in business and making their voices heard, a very important move for our economy and our country at this time.
Speaking from experience as one who has come across many women entrepreneurs, I think, women are achieving fantastic business success today, success we wouldn’t have dreamed of fifty years ago.  They are hard working, determined and highly successful.
However, while making enormous inroads in entrepreneurial success, some women still struggle with two key dimensions: 1) successfully navigating the financial ecosystem to get funding, and 2) stepping up with confidence, perseverance and full-out commitment to achieving their entrepreneurial visions.
– Management Mantra column and all articles on Kidsfreesouls are content written by Editor, Ilaxi Patel and Management Mantra Columnist in Sambhaav Newspapers (2000-2004)


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