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Tag: moms

Literature Learning Project

Summer time or any indoor activities at home - its all about Passion Projects and keeping kids busy. Apart from Story Project, Vocabulary Project...

Playzone for Kids to Play, Learn, Explore

All Work and No Play makes Jack a Dull Boy ! Child's development schedules has a power parenting role of Play which is an integral...

Pampered Child Syndrome

Pampered Child? Over pampered Parenting ? At a time, our Children are precious and we all tend to pamper them - a wee bit here...

Magical Moments

Something magical happens when parents turn to Grandparents as Guardian of kids. They remember and revive their own Parenting when upbringing their own kids....

Responsible Parenting : Be the Parent your children need

The greatest gift a Parent can give to children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.  Parents are the ultimate Role...

Unleash Creativity

Dr. Radhakrishnan said once "A good teacher must know how to arouse the interest of the pupil in the field of study for which...

Brat Kids or Lovable Angels?

BRAT KIDS OR LOVABLE ANGELS? Sometime ago, I came across a parent who wanted to enroll her child to my Library and she labelled her child...

Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse

Fantasy World of Walt Disney and you are sure to get into a world of imagination and creativity with loads of Cartoon fun, comics,...

How long will it take to read Books

Books are considered not only the best friends but are also gifts of learning that can enrich and improve one’s lives. With everything – information,...

Birds and Project on Birds

This year, a record surge has been witnessed in the number of migratory bird at Nalsarovar and Thol Lake. As per the reports, the...


Gitanjali Ghei

Kite Festival

Arjav’s Blog