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Unleash Creativity


Dr. Radhakrishnan said once “A good teacher must know how to arouse the interest of the pupil in the field of study for which he is responsible. He must himself be a master in the field of study and be in touch with the latest developments in the subject, he must himself be a fellow traveler in the exciting pursuit of knowledge” The teacher affects eternity. One can never tell where his influence stops. There should be creativity, a ‘Free Progress’ – each child developing and flowering in an absolutely spontaneous, inwardly centered and self directed process. A school makes a break through if it creates a learning environment but it is a parent to make an active choice for kids and to nurture their talents. It is in their hands to recognize their potentialities and offer them an Alternative Education, a commitment, hard work, responsibility, learning the basic skills of reading and writing at own pace with creativity and open minds in open surroundings in tune to environment, blooming naturally!

Unleash Your Creativity : Know your Potentialities

Jumpstart your mind to unleash the Creativity powers, mental capabilities that you can exercise it, strengthen it and visualize its capacity to work wonders. It’s the potentialities within your own self that keeps the tough get going in the rough times too! It is a myth that creativity is rare and mysterious, an inborn talent and only artists can be creative. However, Creativity is within everyone’s reach with no exceptions. To unleash the powers of your potentialities, it’s the strategies that need to be mastered and shoot up the Idea Bank storing all the ideas that pop up in mind. New ideas fleet,  flashing through consciousness. It’s the time to grab the opportunities and swing into action with the idea bank flow. Exploring the creative skills have learning ways too and imparts skill to others too. Capturing the thoughts into the mind frame and getting inspired even from the slightest flutter of the bird’s wings or listening to the rustling of the leaves. Challenge is the second step that accelerates the flow of new ideas and giving it a shape. Failures are wellsprings of creativity or rather; disappointment leads to creativity with born ideas in mind. Challenge is accepting with grace and surging ahead to heights Efforts give it a push and creativity flowers, an extension to what you already know. Try to reach the moon and you will land up picking up some stars! The saying seems mysterious because nor can you reach the moon nor you can pick up the stars but while imagining to do so, one can pop with new ideas trying to find the solutions and these ideas work to unleash the powers of creativity! This will broaden your thoughts and diversify into other fields. A person might have creativity in one field but indulging deep, one can change to tracks to enhance own creativity, learning about the subjects you know nothing about and even you don’t want to know. The more knowledge you have, the more diverse that knowledge is, the greater your potentials for creative outputs. And Surroundings do make a big difference. Brainstorming to expose your ideas and exert team participant’s creativity. Creativity is individual – even one has own potentialities. Make the timework for you. Worry is a wrong word to let it in which can cripple your creativity. Just let the ideas flow in natural course and let this be a ready reckoned with no mental strain or force whatsoever. Remember, every innovation came about because a determined person stubbornly believed in the inner abilities of his or her imagination. This will have wings to soar high if you have a belief in your own self and the things that you can do. Sometimes, wasted moments in life can turn to Creative explosions with just ‘ideas’ and make those moments turn to productive ones. Only judging what creativity suits best is worth consideration or else someday you land up being ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’ applying all those ideas but than, this is like grabbing the stars while attempting to reach the moon, after all.

Checklist for Creativity

Creative people generally show a spirit of Intellectual entertainment. Listening to music, drinking coffee, watching television, Painting, Dancing, Surfing or chatting can also plunge into creative ideas and come up with numerous practical devices for stimulating and capturing new ideas. Check list a bunch of verbs like magnify, substitute, combine, expose, reverse, soar and so on. Apply these verbs at the time of difficulties faced as you splash the creative outputs.

  • Make efforts to document your ideas. Jot down the ideas or in the shuffle of day-to-day activities, you lose track of them. Be prepared to note down, keeping handy a piece of paper, pencil or open up a folder in you computer and feed in the ideas.
  • Day dream your ideas. It has tremendous powers to make dreams turn true or at least, grab those moments of joy to fulfill the creative pursuits.
  • Ponder over the creative skills. Get inspired from people, places, things or happenings – just about anything and the inspirations work wonders, flowering to bloom fragrance of your creativity spreading happiness within and around you.

Spoonfeed Creativity : Raise IQ

The contentment package of fun and games is very limited for children today as we pace towards new era of change. Pool games, Go carting, Para gliding & sailing, Bowling are some of the most sort for games. Rest of the activities is Computers, Badminton, swimming, painting or dancing. Reading is almost on the back seat, which is the most neglected part. Gone are the days of playing marbles, hopscotch, skipping, carom, top and strings and story reading! Children are fascinated with thrills and adventure. The whole new lot demands for more challenging and exciting activities. A recent case study shows that it is important to stimulate children’s’ intellects. Parents sort various methods to spoon-feed creativity into the minds of kids. Some confusedly land up adopting the activities that the child is not interested. Even playing a simple game like hide and seek or ‘ahmedabad bazi’ or just a game of business or Chinese Chequers or Carrom and Chess, helps construct the complex brain circuit essential to intellectual development. It is said that during pre school years, the children have great opportunity for understanding language and learning to talk. Creativity takes shape as they grow up adapt to various activities to nurture their talents. Reeya’s Mom says ‘Gone are the days when we use to play games. These children love to play but their preferences and priorities have changed. They are burdened with schoolwork. Reading is totally out.’ True, Cartoons are in. Pokeman and Harry Potter is the current trends whereas diving into dreamy imagination with story books is out! The normal set of instructions is not required to build the IQ of children but what’s necessary is creating a stimulating atmosphere for casual learning started early in the childhood days. Being aware and talking to the kid encourages him to listen to you and the little information’s that you provide, the little stimulating talks will build his intellects. Language is important to successful intellectual functioning and the grasp of language goes beyond just saying words. The vocabulary size increases. Music is also a very exciting activity, which teaches kids more than rhythm and melody. A child who would not like to read, happy reads the words displayed while singing along with a computer CD! Singing develops brain development and clean, good songs have an effect on the child. Assembling puzzles makes them accurate and faster. Labeling things such as using toys to help the child to know colors, etc is a simple activity arising curiosity.

Raising IQ and exploring creativity explosions is galore and the brain management needs to activate the cells in the right direction but its confusing for a parent or a teacher as to which activity to choose! Nevertheless, Reading, playing and music are the best activities one can pursue to activate those brain cells, after all!

This article is from Guardian of Angels by Ilaxi Patel – The Book is available at amazon.in and all International webstores.


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