Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers Who will Cry when you Die? By Robin Sharma

Who will Cry when you Die? By Robin Sharma



Who will Cry when you Die? By Robin Sharma
Review by : ilaxi patel

Robin Sharma, the Author says: “When you live your truth, your dreams beat a path toward your doorstep”.

A practical solution to create a sound Life and strikingly balance life filling in the gaps with humility. Robin refers to his father’s words that a tree that has most fruits is that which bends to the ground.

And though there are some exceptions he have found in his own experience that it is true-the people who know the most, who have achieved the most, and have lived the most, are also the people closest to the ground. In a word, they are humble. There is something special about being in the presence of a person who is humble.

Robin sharma thinks that practicing humility shows that you respect others and reminds us that there is something for us to learn. It sends a signal to those around you that you are open to receiving the gift of their knowledge and listening to what they have to say. The book is door to exceptional life and live life to the fullest with a purpose and attain peace. The book is indepth wisdom with absolute life changing solutions to cope with life’s trials, challenges, frustrations and so on. As Robin Sharma recently visited India in preparation for the production of ‘The Monk who sold his Ferrari’ as a major motion picture, Robin reminded in his speech that wherever in the world he went, he found human beings struggle with same challenges, same longings. All people are part of one great family with invisible ties. Thus, peace is at your own doorstep and Robin Sharma’s books are real ‘Gem Picks’ – Yeah, sure you can surf his website too and hear his Gem voice too! Good Pick & Great Message.

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