Home Comprehension Comprehension Index

Comprehension Index



Each Comprehension Passage should be read aloud, understand the meaning and than answer the Questions. The questions are intended to guide the students to a complete understanding of the Comprehension passage. Exercises are designed to practice a particular language already taught in the class room. The exercises are aimed to improve reading, grammar and build vocabulary. While Reading the comprehension, pronunciation and style should be taken care of. For better understanding, to avoid mistakes and to cultivate correct Reading habits, students may refer to the Grammar Fun sections for more Language Structure Practice.


 Tips to the student

 Read the Passage Carefully

Read it aloud once

Understand the meaning of the Passage

Read the Questions properly

Do not take long to Answer (15-20 minutes is fine)

Write in neat handwriting

Make sure you have not missed any question

Get your work checked by Parent/Teacher

Move to Grammar Fun Sections for More Worksheets on Language Structure

Follow the Worksheets on this page.


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