Home Gujarat News Gujarat wins 4 e-Governance Awards

Gujarat wins 4 e-Governance Awards

egovawards 2013

egovawards 2013

The 16th National Conference on ‘e-governance’ was held in Jaipur on 11-12th February. The highlight of the Conference on e-Governance was based on the theme “Towards an Open Government”, It explored the use of ICT that has transformed governance from the perspective of the beneficiaries of the services.

The National Conference on e-Governance has been providing a platform of meaningful interaction to policy makers, practitioners, industry leaders and academicians to deliberate, interact and recommend an actionable strategy for good governance and to improve the standard of services rendered to the common man.

Like every year, Awards were conferred to states and central departments for their e-governance efforts by the administrative reforms wing of the Ministry of Personnel. The awards were given by Union minister of State for Personnel, Public grievances and Pensions, Mr. V Narayanasamy and Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot. Speaking at the inaugural session, Narayanasamy said the Centre aims to make government offices paperless by 2017.

Following the Urban Development Ministry asking other states to follow Gujarat models for urban infrastructure projects, the BJP-ruled Gujarat state has bagged four of the 16 national awards for e-governance initiatives. This itself is an Achievement with Good Governance of Gujarat Government which bagged laurels for the state.

The Four National awards claimed by GUJARAT were :

1. Online voting system (OVS)

2. XLN-Xtended Licensing & Laboratory Node of Sales of Food and Drugs Department;
3. MAGIC-Mineral Administration and Governance Using ICT
4. iMINE of the State Mineral Development Corporation Limited

The visionary eye of Chief Minister Narendra Modi for use of Technology and ICT in Governance has led the State ahead of any other States of India. Gujarat has repeatedly proved to be a winner and serve as a Model State for the others. The ‘Pro-people, Pro-active, Good Governance’ Mantra of CM has integrated Technology into the spirit of Gujarat as the State prospers in all spheres.  

Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards were given away at the event.

The purpose of these awards were to :

(a)        Recognize achievements in the area of e-Governance.

(b)        Disseminate knowledge on effective methods of designing and implementing sustainable e-Governance initiatives.

(c)        Encourage horizontal transfer of successful e-Governance solutions.

(d)        Promote and exchange experiences in solving problems, mitigating risks, resolving issues and planning for success.

Category of Awards

i.          Excellence in Government Process Re-engineering

ii.          Exemplary Horizontal Transfer of ICT-based Best Practice

iii.         Outstanding Performance in Citizen-Centric Service delivery

iv.         Innovative Usage of Technology in e-Governance

v.         Exemplary Usage of ICT by PSUs

vi.         Best Government Website

vii.        Sectoral Award

For More details on Category wise Gujarat Awards, follow Chief Minister’s Website.

– Kidsfreesouls News Desk 


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