Home NIE Tips NIE – Newspaper in Education : Tips for classrooms

NIE – Newspaper in Education : Tips for classrooms

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Kidsfreesouls provide NIE Tips (Newspaper in Education) and How to use Newspapers in Classrooms/at home. The Active NIE Program is conducted at Swagat Children Library with use of Kidsfreesouls News and other Newspapers in classroom. This is even supported with various on going Activities and events like Singing, dance, celebration days, etc. (Archie day, Sandwich Day, Cartoon day, You Tube video day, etc) 

For the Online Readers, Kidsfreesouls provides NIE Tips and How to use Kidsfreesouls in classrooms/home for their Children. Kidsfreesouls is used for Home schooling by many parents who use the Grammar Fun and worksheet section for download print and surf the site to teach children on Literature, culture, Poetry, News, etc. 


Be Informed, Be Aware – Spread the News, Share the News, Mash the News….

* Stimulate Interest in learning Current News like Kids News 

* Encourage kids to pick print Newspapers – Make them Read Headlines, Advertisements, small interesting News pieces – On Kidsfreesouls Online, make the Kids read the Headlines and News in brief, Interesting stuff like jokes, riddles, mystery cases, games, read stories, use worksheets, puzzles, etc. Assign one activity per week. 

* Make the Kids find the Editorial notes on Kidsfreesouls and find Editorial columns in Print Newspapers.

* Go to Cartoon Fun . Ask them what message they find by observing the Cartoon. Ask them to make their own Cartoon strip. Follow the Cartoon Project by Kidsfreesouls which provide information on How to use Cartoons in classrooms

* Explain about Local, International News and ‘Mash’ the News. Mash the News is picked up stories and read out with punch lines and debates on topics.

* Find Cover or Top Story. Follow major Newspapers online and tell them to make Cover Story from news. Make cover story from news/ed notes appearing on Kidsfreesouls.

* Refer  How to be a Feature Writer. Kids should be explained and told to find Feature writing on Kidsfreesouls and Print Newspapers. Featuring writing article is in Journalism section. 

* Explain what is Reuters, PTI, AP, Kidsfreesouls – what do this mean and who provides news to Newspapers. How online websites can place Reuters, AP, Kidsfreesouls and other news. Explain how the web owner can earn by placing these News.

* Explain Importance of Online Journalism. How Online News reach faster with updates by the time print newspaper is published and reach the reader. (An eg. Reuters News/New York Times News/Google News, kidsfreesouls news placed on kidsfreesouls)

* Advertisements are primary source of income apart from other in print media. A project on Advertisements can be made. Making a website incur expenses –  from taking a domain, hosting, designing and marketing online.

* Explain how online Advertisements eg. Google can contribute to keep the website generate income. Children can go find ads on kidsfreesouls – google, amazon, contexual ads, coupon offers, etc. too.Kids can list down all ads they see on kidsfreesouls. Design their own advertisement and write their scripts.

* Make kids use the Calendar – Let them do a collage work with newspaper cuttings and add Kidsfreesouls Calendar on a chart. They can take prints of kidsfreesouls pages and also add to chart with Calendar.

* Get kids hook to reading online with Stories on Kidsfreesouls at Fairyland pages. They can make Story Projects during Summer vacations.

* Kids are often told to write a poem on their own. Refer the Kidsfreesouls Poetry Pages. Kids can be taught ‘How to write a Poem’ – use this article in the classroom. Assign groups with finding words relating to the article. Once they know the Poetry soup, stir the ingredients – writing poetry can be easier.

* Kids can be encouraged to write Book Reviews of Books they have read in class. Let them explore Kidsfreesouls Kids Book Reviews pages too and if they’ve read books, encourage them to write and send to Kidsfreesouls.com email. Send 25 Book Reviews and get a Kidsfreesouls Certificate + gift if you are in India!

* You can Bookmark the Grammar Fun pages. Use the worksheets in the Classroom. Grammar Fun topics will be getting updated with additions from time to time as I make worksheets for my class in progress at Swagat. Kids can read Stories with Grammar and comprehension with worksheets. Wordsearch sheets, cross words, etc can be used for classroom Activities.

* Kids can use Themes pages eg. Culture and Festivals (christmas/Diwali,etc) and Literature Profiles eg. (Gandhiji/Auden, milton, etc) – Children can make Project books and paste pics, draw-color and add contents of these pages. Each student should pick a different profile and later when complete, a knowledge class on this can be held. Later, these children can organize a Literature eve – Party with themes Posters, poetry/writings graffiti, etc. inviting other friends/students. Play music, eat and meet but exhibit the Project files and few students can say on their Literature Profiles. Kidsfreesouls conducted Lit Party once and it was a great event:-)

* Children can be encouraged to use the web with proper Technology for Kids pages. How to Blog, Tips on Blogging, Chat / Email Etiquettes etc.

* Make kids dive into the world of imagination. Refer Kidsfreesouls How to Write a Story page and make kids get to action. Writing story is not so easy but a child can be taught to at least, write a para on their own.

* Children can have fun drawing and coloring, writing jokes, limericks or riddles while referring kidsfreesouls pages. They can even email/post their drawings (refer kids pages)

* Make Project Books and refer the Project from News Page – Even Monthwise Project List here. eg. October is a month of Computer Learning / World Post Day – etc. So kids can learn Computers – write Blog entries, etc or for World Post day, collect stamps and exchange and even get to write letters to friends, penpals.

* Add Stickers to Sticker Book or Use for Projects. Teachers can give stickers to rate child’s work. Parents can print stickers and give for behavior, etc.

* Kids can make use of Smileys on Kidsfreesouls and make their own smiley expressions. Smileys can be found online in search and also in Kids Technology pages in Kidsfreesouls

* Create Awareness on Environment Issues. Go Green with Kidsfreesouls Environment page by making kids get to do the Environment Project with tips here and get the Earth Talk Q & A encourage them to make a scrap book with Q & A and also send their concerned Questions to kidsfreesouls. Let there be All 365 days ‘Earth Day’

* Explain How to make Use of Google Translations tools online and turn Kidsfreesouls to read in Spanish, French, etc. Desired language. Make them learn few words of the language you translate.

* Make kids use of Google tools. Make a school page with Google Pages like Kidsfreesouls Kids Blog students have done. You can use this page to give good useful links online, note monthly classroom reads, lesson plans, etc. Even assign homework through these pages.

* Use the Google Maps. Find your Country and street. Find Kidsfreesouls on the Google Map. Get them make a Project on gathering Information on India, Gujarat and Kidsfreesouls city ‘Ahmedabad’

* Encourage kids to read Kids Reporters and let them take part by sending their contributions to these reporters. Through these pages, kids can learn how to Blog. Set up a School Blog on Blogger/any other and make kids to write their own Journals and add to Blogs. Also teach on How to make Comments and use of courteous language and Comments Posting Ethics. The tips and tricks can be found at Kids Technology.

*Google News contents are Kidsfreesouls Personalized news. Read and provide safety tips and other Information from these news. Personalized news is all the category you select at Google News. Kidsfreesouls picks up those news pieces useful for reading in classrooms and presents in the Top Stories Section for Kids and Parents/teachers

More Tips will roll on from time to time…

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