Home Comprehension The Fox And The Goat

The Fox And The Goat


A fox fell into the well while it tried to reach down to drink water. He tried and tried but all in vain. He could not come out of the well because the walls were very high. After some time, a goat came along. Seeing the fox down, he asked him the reason for his fall. “I am enjoying the cool, pure water”, replied the Fox. “Wouldn’t you like to jump and taste it?” Without a second thought, the foolish old goat jumped down. The moment he reached the bottom, the cunning old fox leaped on to his back and scrambled to the top. Looking down at the unhappy goat, the fox laughed and said,”My dear friend, next time, be sure to look before you leap”.

 Answer the following Questions:

1. How did the fox fall into the water?
2. Why could he not get out of the well?
3. Who came there?
4. What did the goat ask the fox?
5. What answer did the fox give?
6. What was the goat’s reaction?
7. How did the fox come out of the well?
8. What happened to the goat?
9. What advice did the fox give to the goat?

Simple Past tense : fall (present) fell (past)

bite – bit | break – broke | come – came | creep – crept | do – did | draw – drew | drink – drank |

fly – flew | give – gave | hide – hid | wear – wore | build – built | ride – rode | see – saw | sink – sank |

speak – spoke | ring – rang | grow – grew | buy – bought | swear – swore | tread – trod | bear – bore

begin – began | drive – drove | deal – dealt | freeze – froze | mistake – mistook | blow – blew

Opposites – ‘ un ‘ words: eg. happy x unhappy

lock – unlock | paid – unpaid | well – unwell | pack – unpack | kind – unkind

do – undo | wind – unwind | tie – untie | known – unknown | load – load

wrap – unwrap | tidy – untidy | happy – unhappy | true – untrue | safe – unsafe

willing – unwilling | screw – unscrew | dress – undress | able – unable | roll – unroll

real – unreal | seen – unseen | wise – unwise | steady – unsteady | ripe – unripe

More un words: Opposites with un words

certain – uncertain | selfish – unselfish | healthy – unhealthy | common – uncommon |

conscious – unconscious | pleasant – unpleasant | steady – unsteady | truthful – untruthful

used – unused | wise – unwise | comfortable – uncomfortable | suitable – unsuitable |

grateful – ungrateful |

Opposites adding in or im:

capable – incapable | complete – incomplete | convenient – inconvenient | correct – incorrect

curable – incurable | direct – indirect | secure – insecure | sufficient – insufficient | visible – invisible

efficient – inefficient | equality – inequality | human – inhuman | sane – insane

movable – immovable | possible – impossible | pure – impure | patient – impatient | proper – improper

probable – improbable

{loadposition fox}


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