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Namrata Jaykrishna




Sunita William’s Interview BY NAMRATA

My Meeting “Sunita Williams” by Namrata Jaykrishna

I had a wonderful experience meeting Sunita Williams. It was always one of my greatest desires to meet her. Very recently, my wish came true. Sunita Williams was here in Ahmedabad at a function arranged by the Gujarat Chamber of commerce. Hearing her experiences was a treat for me. She spoke very well and told us all about her days in space. Sunita Williams is a strong- willed, powerful, intelligent woman.
After the function, I got a real treat! I actually went into Sunita Williams’s hotel room. It was unbelievable for me. Standing right in front of me was tall, smiling, amazing SUNITA WILLIAMS! I was really excited and enjoyed this interaction. I took lots of pictures and autographs, After all this I realized, even though Sunita Williams is a great person, she was so humble, it really surprised me. One day I want to become just like her…

Memories: Walk to Gandhinagar

Grade 7 of the Riverside School had recently gone on a walk to Gandhinagar. We had gone to have an experience of living simple life. We had gone on this walk for 2 days. In these two days we covered around 55-60 km. We started our walk from Manav Sadhna, Ahmedabad, and ended it in the government bungalows, Gandhinagar.
On the first day, we went to Manav Sadhna and we were introduced to our buddies over there- the children from the nearby slums and streets. They would be accompanying us throughout the journey.
On the first day of our journey, we did a fair amount of walking- around 27 km. After a few hours of walking, we stopped at the Amul Mother Dairy and saw how it works, the processes, etc. Then we continued our walk.
It was very tiring for us, it was an experience that none of us will ever forget. On the way, we also started going out of our comfort zone and mixing with the Manav Sadhna Kids. First, we had a little problem with the language of communication but after a while, we found alternative ways to communicate like singing.
On the first day, after our walk, we stayed at a dormitory in Sughad. Over there, we got refreshed for our long walk the next day.
Next day we again got ready for a long walk. As I told you, we had already started talking to the kids from Manav Sadhna. But, today the relationship continued even more. Instead of sticking around with our own friends, we started moving around with them, and learning more about what they do, their lives, and hobbies.
We eventually started learning that even though we came from very different backgrounds and lifestyles, we could mix with each other. By the end of the trip- we had shared many things with them- like how to play football, UNO etc, in return they helped us learn new things like morning prayers.
We ended with a brilliant round of Antakshri!
We have really enjoyed this experience and look forward to more soon…

Thank you for reading my Blog – Find my pic featured in Divya Bhaskar Newspaper as Kids Blogger. (in pics) 


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