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Literature Learning Project

Summer time or any indoor activities at home - its all about Passion Projects and keeping kids busy. Apart from Story Project, Vocabulary Project...

Wimpy Kids – Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball - Diary of a Whimpy Kid (14) to arrive on November 5, 2019. At Swagat Children Library, we have these Whimpy Kids Book...

Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist

Combining magic, mysticism, wisdom and wonder into an inspiring tale of self-discovery, The Alchemist has become a modern classic, selling millions of copies around...

Books Help us slow down : International Children’s Book Day 2019

International Children's Book Day falls on 2nd April on the Birthday of Hans Christian Andersen. Since 1967, on or around Hans Christian Andersen's birthday, 2...

Pampered Child Syndrome

Pampered Child? Over pampered Parenting ? At a time, our Children are precious and we all tend to pamper them - a wee bit here...

Audio Story – The Owl and the Pussy Cat

How do we make children engaged for listening practice? The answer is 'Loud Reading ' without those dull as dish water dialogues. Audio stories...

Supreme Leadership by Alinka Rutkowska

Revealing Leadership Conversational Intelligence Supremely Supreme Leadership by Alinka Rutkowska Book Review by Ilaxi Patel  Are you an Aspiring Leader or Business Person who is fascinated...

Rare and Unique Collection of Books

My Books and my world of rare and unique collection of Books with my interview was recently featured on ABPNews Asmita Channel to mark...

Caleb’s Birthday Wish by David Villanueva Jr.

Imagination Soars With One Birthday Wish! Close your eyes…make a wish…blow the candles out on your birthday cake…and what do you get? An adventure of...

Windigos Howling by Jannifer Gregory

Windigos Howling Showcases National Park Treasures Imagine you're 11 years old and your parents take you on vacation to a remote island where you have...