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Kidsfreesouls-Google Personalized News: Social Networking



Facebook influences lives. With amount of people hooked to Social networks, Facebook is the most popular followed by Twitter, LinkedIn and My Space. Facebook influences moods than any other Social Network. and is often found controversial. Some think that the stress level rise whereas research says, spending time on Facebook reduce stress, slow down heart rate and simply relax!

 It has been researched that Facebook Benefits older people. Twitter is faster and a reach with the tweets staying connected and sharing interests whereas LinkedIn is for the more mature and business people. My space is for those with love for music. 

You can find all picked up Social Networking News pieces which will help to provide insights to use of these Social networks. 



Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg addressed Ficci Flo women on 2nd July 2014 at Delhi. She said that women often underestimate themselves by attributing their success to hard work, luck and help from others and suffer from the “tyranny of low expectations”


Speaking at an event. Sandberg cited examples from her own family and professional life about gender disparity. “My brothers and sisters said they are my first employees because I used to love giving them tasks and organizing them. I was called bossy.


Men would not be termed as bossy if they did the same thing. Next time you see a girl being termed as bossy you should walk up and say that she isn’t bossy, she has executive leadership skills,” she told the audience comprising mainly of women from Ficci-FLO.


Sandberg’s views found resonance with several women with businesses in India, who also said that the workplace is still far from equal for women.

Sandberg, who served as chief of staff for the US Treasury Department under President Bill Clinton, is the Facebook chief operating officer (COO) who recently visited India and even met Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg with FLO President Neeta Boochra, Sr Vice President Archana Garodia Gupta and Manju Kalra Prakash at an event organised by the FICCI Ladies Organisation in New Delhi.



Facebook Graph Search Now Passing Keyword Data To Webmasters 

The keyword data is passed from Facebook with a query string [q={keyword}] appended to the end of the referring URL. Since analytics providers like Google don’t view Facebook as a search engine, the data must be parsed as referring traffic, not as a search engine. 

Amazon plans to buy social network for book fans 

In buying Goodreads, Amazon gets a community of bibliophiles primed to buy and recommend books – one of its key areas of business. 

Your Facebook Likes may reveal more than you probably like 

 Facebook users’ Likes on the social network may be unintentionally revealing more about their personality traits, sexual orientation, and intelligence, according to a new study. 

Study: Your Facebook Likes Alone Reveal Gender, Ethnicity, Religion and More 

Study: Your Facebook Likes Alone Reveal Gender, Ethnicity, Religion and More Every little piece of information you give away online can reveal something about you—but it seems your Facebook likes could reveal rather more than you bargained for.

Navigating Children’s use of Social Media

Gwenn O’Keeffe, a pediatrician and spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics, said parents should follow those restrictions because children younger than 13 are not developmentally ready for the nuances of the social interactions on those sites. 

Report: LinkedIn Will Buy Pulse App for $50 to $100 Million 

LinkedIn is close to acquiring Pulse, a popular news reading app, for as much as $100 million, according to a new report. Citing unnamed sources, AllThingsD reported that Pulse had been in acquisition talks with several big companies, including Yahoo  

Facebook Benefits Older Adults By Giving Them Cognitive Boost, Study Says

Facebook is obviously a huge phenomenon in our culture,” Wohltmann said. “There’s starting to be more research coming out about how younger adults use Facebook and online social networking, but we really don’t know very much at all about older adults..

Facebook Envy: How The Social Network Affects Our Self Esteem

Facebook has been growing at an explosive clip since it launched in 2004, and the number of users on the site topped 1 billion last year.

5 Reasons To Stop Checking Facebook At Work

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden have found that logging into Facebook is the first thing 70 percent of people do when they turn on their computers and that doing so can turn into an addiction.

Facebook Influences Your Mood More Than Any Social Network

Rebtel, a mobile voice over IP company similar to Skype, conducted the survey linking feelings to heavy and light social media use.

Be careful: Mom is checking your Facebook

Do you ever get the feeling that your mom is checking yourFacebook posts? She probably is, according to a new study. A study by Education Database Online, a resource for students looking for university and college programs, shows that most parents 

LinkedIn Is A Reason Startups Raise More Money, Angel Investor Says

Huge seed rounds are driven in part by social networks like LinkedIn, he believes, because it’s become so much easier to find angels or stay in touch with the ones you know.

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