Home Health Blog Stiff feeling

Stiff feeling

arthritis child

arthritis child

Yeah, lately I couldn’t make up to blog here due to my compu probs and time restraints. Sometimes, it indeed is a stiff feeling where you just feel helpless.

So is this stiff feeling with the pain of arthritis.  Ever felt the mild joint damage and most of your symptoms are related to the ligaments, tendons and muscles surrounding your joints — not the joints themselves. The physiotherapy exercise just soothes the pain.

The stretching and muscle strengthening exercise is just what you need. However, none of the health tips can be conducted without consulting a Doc., one thing is sure that a person involved in active sports like Tennis or jogging – activities that has pressure on joints, best avoid these activities if pain shoots up as this can lead to severe probs.


Especially in monsoon or winter, most people with rheumatoid arthritis have stiffness after rest, such as in the morning. These are common symptoms of arthritis. Movement will tend to diminish some of the symptoms. Sitting long hours at workplace also tend to make one stiff so adopt a style of movements while attending a phone call or even picking up paper of walk down to drink a cup of coffee at intervals.

Out of the overall patients, females are found to have some form of arthritis. They have disturbed sleep & are often irritable and not in physical or mental state to cope with demands & stresses of life. The two most common forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis & rheumatoid arthritis are real mysteries of modern medicine or allopathy. Many women suffer from the knee joint pains that doctors call it part of the normal aging process, remains a mere nuisance for some people but becomes crippler for others. Recently, a friend of ours, got herself operated with knee replacement and followed with treatment, came the Arthritis – stiff joints inflammation. This made situation worse with tense and stiff feeling, making her irritated and helpless.

Arthritis is an expensive disease and in U.S.A it is the nation’s number one crippling disease. Arthritis takes its toll in reduced quality of life for many families and for many individuals. Herbal theory is applied with Aryuveda rejuvenation centers in India that heal with oils. Also, with the recent Vastu Shashtra theory, positioning of residential area and the construction is very important. If the vaastu is missed out, raises the many problems of knee pains and other difficulties.

Whatever – A point to note with such health problems is, one need to live a balanced life, devoting time for mind, body and soul. A routine 20 minutes exercise, be it aerobics, gym or a routine walk, it is must. Rest is all up to us.


Sources to surf on Arthritis:



Pic courtesy : http://www.cdc.gov/Features/dsPediatricArthritis/

(All Posts by ilaxi patel: This Health & Fitness Blog is based on personal thoughts and research work. Readers may please Consult your Doctor for your Health Problems)


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