Ilaxi's awards

My Poems

The Sun and Sunrise at Fatehgarh Palace, Udaipur has been so beautiful. I wrote many poems there....featured are two from my collection. The Sun By...

Limericks & Poetry Month

April has been a Poetry Month. As we have Poem in a Bag and Poetry Learning at Swagat Children Library, here's Poetry Pages for...
poetry learning

Poetry Learning

Poetry writing is Imaginary, a word play and dreamy thoughts. I write my poems randomly, attempting to rhyme and verse with word play and...

Learning to write a poetry

Parents want their kids to write Poetry and so do teachers give assignments. Imagine, can you write a poetry? How will the child be...
poetry kidsfs

Poetry Learning

TERMS USED IN POETRY Teachers may use this in Classroom : Copy+Paste+Print for circulating to students (as per Grade levels & their understanding) while teaching  'How to...


Fit In, Stand Out, Walk by Shailini Sheth Amin

"FIT IN, STAND OUT, WALK! " Why? And, aptly titled with Bold Illustrated Cover, the Book by Shailini Sheth Amin was Launched...

My name is Cinnamon by Vikas Prakash Joshi

This is the first book by the Author for YA and Children. A...