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The Sun and Sunrise at Fatehgarh Palace, Udaipur has been so beautiful. I wrote many poems there….featured are two from my collection.

The Sun
By Ilaxi Patel

Flares so bold, a pretty gold,
Far in Horizons, stories untold
She brings in rays of hope,
A future to mould.

Morning glory so light,
Ours is a struggle n strife,
Scattering sunshine
Fategarh, we leave footprints behind,
All on sands of time 🙂

Sunrise today – So beautiful, isn’t it?
Makes me stir… a poetic soul to pen here:

The Beautiful Morn
By ilaxi patel

Inspiring orange light of morn, infatuated me with all colours of the dawn,
The sun has risen with a cheerful glow, fills my heart with serenity flow,
Takes me to a tranquil fantasy.

I looked up at the cerulean sky
I feel God deposit heaven in my eyes.
This view is that of celestial
Giving a blessing upon the terrestrial.

She gives me hope to conquer my days,
Free my problems and take my sorrows away.
She quenches my soul with kinda bliss !
– Ilaxi Patel Poetry Collection

Poetry by ilaxi sudhir patel (nicknamed ‘Blossomsmile’ & ‘Holy’) (From Blossomsmile’s Poetry collection)

 1) Echo of Joy – by ilaxi sudhir patel

Why linger, why turn back, why shrink, my heart?
When life is color and warmth and light, While I, my thoughts to thee impart,
My soul’s pleasure, your eloquent voice delight. It sure must be, heaven on earth,
When soft sky smiles, low wind whisper near, Where angels tread, when your voice vibrates,

Sweet echo of joy, Let not heart break. Words are images of joy refined,
they spill emotion, care and love divine, Thy soft note is only joy to me,
You’re stranger yet so close a feel. I’ll gladly trace some scenes with you,
When bleak storm resist rove, Strip the spirits bare that wane,
Bury the days I abhor. Magical scents to a wondering memory bring
dreams of wonder world, The tones of love our joy enhance,
Let no mysteries unfurl. I’ll leave to depart the world some day,
‘Holy’ they call my name, May heavens bring joy, your life to bloom,
Your love will reach you to fame.

2) Singing in Minor by ilaxi sudhir patel

(Appeared in The Asian Age)
I can sing a little minor,Timid as a bird
Why am I living in hex? Even though the Angels allure
In Heaven they call my name,
‘Holy’, she reaches to fame.
Just, once more, Just see I troubled them,
But they don’t shut the door
It’s people on Earth who keep playing the games!
Playing games in major, # notes scaling higher,
Blaring loud, aloft, full of appalling pitch,
Tunes of rocking liars,See how they cheat.
‘Holy’ content aloof, singing low tunes of galore,
Angels tread near, petals scatter on the floor
Wider doors open up, new horizons to scale,
It’s friends so dear, who makes you reach to Fame.
Oh,I am a Queen,In a gentle white gown,
Living grand in a crowded town,
A Prince charming comes with a grace,
kisses my tears, slowly takes his pace
I’d sing in major, sharp notes of joy,
This is a limit of my dream,The focus of my prayer,
A perfect, paralyzing bliss,Yet Contend as despair!

(Appeared in Print page, P.Age, The Asian Age)
(Appears on Voicesnet.org)

Comments for this Poem and Send to Friends,etc.

In all my wanderings, round this world of care,
In all my grief, god has given me my share;
my vexations past, I still have hopes to case
Wear a crown, jewels dazzle to last.
Imagination fondly stoops to trace,
The parlour splendors of that festive place,
My journey alone, swift winged arrows of light,
Tempest pause behind, Speedy is the flight.
Let the rich deride, proud disdain,
A blissful soul, simple blessings attain
To me more dear, congenial to my heart,
Memories cherish, friends to part.
That light whose smiles kindle the Universe,
Darkness crumble away, leave behind the curse,
Condemned to hope’s delusive mine
Obedient passions, will resign,
Alas! Goodness, Gracious, my Heart Opine!

4) Stranger in Disguise by ilaxi sudhir patel
(Appeared in Print Page, P.Age, The Asian Age
(15th August 2004)

(Appears on Voicesnet.org Comments for this Poem Here and Send to your Friends,etc.)

He’d drink by himself
And raise a weathered thumb,
Towards the high shelf,
Calling another rum.
Recollecting memories
Of colossal joys and pain
Pretty damsels and swaying hips
Living in a dreamy world with great spirits.
He’s a pleasure delight
O’er charged with burthen of own love’s might
More than that tongue that more hath more expressed,
O learn to read what silent love hath wrapped
Heavy eyelids to the weary night
Dost thou desires be broken
While shadows mock thy sight?
It is thy spirit that thou think so right
O no! Thy love, though none for me, is all oh so right!
A stranger in disguise, passes through the way
Painting my age with beauty of gone days
Methinks no face so gracious is as mine
Adieu, no haste, Memories are but delight!

5) Hold On There!
by ilaxi sudhir patel

Hold on, I’ll be back someday, someday my dear luv
Hold on, I’ll see a smile on your face someday, someday my dear luv!
I’ll be there for you
Dont you ever let go,
I realise that you want me to stay,
So Hold on, Let me come back someday!
You fill my life with pleasures
Hold on, Let me come back someday
To flicker up fire
And fulfil those desires!
Hold on, I’ll be back someday,
I’ll be loving you still
You’ll never know
Just how lonely I’ll feel
Hold on, I got to go,
I just cant stay
Oh my luv, I’ll back someday!
Hold on, never be alone,
Think of our dreams,
Wait for me till I come home
Hold on tight through the cold lonely night
Oh Boy, hold on, I’ll come back home.
Hold on, we build a paradise, Wait for me…Hold on,
I’ll be back someday
Maybe in some disguise!!!

6) Search Sublime
by ilaxi sudhir patel
(Appeared in The Asian Age, P.Age)

Love is in the mind, a search for sublime,
Sunset and evening star, a clear call of time,
Ancient person, for whom I,
All the flattery young defy,
Long be it ere though grow old,
Lazy, shaky, crazy, cold
But still continue as thou art,
Ancient person of loving heart.
The search is endless, sins galore,
A flame to flicker, life no more
Go soul go, Upon an arrant transcendent
Fear not to touch the best;
The truth shall be thy warrant;
Thy lovers be lost, love shall not
Me thine friend, forever you can opine!

7)Life – Journey Untold
by ilaxi sudhir patel

(Nominated for Poetry Prize  & Published in Voicesnet PoetryAnthology Book(10) & Receives a ‘Poet-Merit Certificate’) – Voicesnet

Comments for this Poem and Send to your Friends, etc.

Like a Poet Hidden, In the light of thought,
Coin, cash or gold, all monetary plot!
Souls cannot be bought, Life is ever so short!
The rays of the sun, flares so bold,
Moonlight so dim, oh so cold,
Luv is sublime, a journey untold,
Life’s adventure, mysteries unfold!
Hell’s the place, the heaven on earth
Life’s disgrace, ever since birth,
For few this is true,
Nay! methinks, never so blue!
Morning rays, shining light,
All sweet, all time, music chimes
Shades of the past buried in grave,
A future so gold now awaits!
Lord is mercy, he thinks is right,
Ours is jes a Life, full of plights!

8)Stupid Love
by ilaxi sudhir patel

Thought a Stupid thing to say,
‘I Love You’ to someone, someday!
You peeped into my world,
Now I think its wise to say,
‘I Love you’ my sweetheart,
It makes me really feel gay!
Your caring, understanding,
accepting my odd ways,
Never thought I’d dream of you,
drifted in your cool gaze!
You stood there amidst the crowd
As I secretly smiled away,
I looked into your eyes,
I could feel your warm embrace
Wish you’d open your heart
And share your life with me,
Yep, you the one my Prince charming,
Oh I could feel so dazed!

9) Soul Mate
by ilaxi sudhir patel

Send me the Pillow that you dream on,
And I will dream on it too!
Send me the kisses across to me,
And I will kiss your forehead too!
Wish I could sit with you
And watch the setting sun too!
Wish we would keep on luving more n more
And liven up memories too!
If dreams had wings
I would fly to be with you,
Sit by the edge of lake at nite
And fill Life with pure delight too!
Although its a dream my darling,
you fill my world with smiles
Forever I’ll dream
The dream we share all time!

Enjoy Reading but make fair use by sharing and giving credits if you like. 


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