Home Guardian of Angels Blog BOOK CLUB & AUTHOR MEETS




Every Book in my Library is a gem collection. And I possess a gem Audio Music collection too. Ever read? And, if Yes, come and share your reads and if Not, Come step into the World of Books – Ocean of Knowledge. I read. And yes, I read and Write. And yeah, I write and Explore Life:-) – Ilaxi Patel


Author of Guardian of Angels, Ilaxi Patel runs a Weekly Children’s Library. She is the Editor of Kidsfreesouls.com and her profile can be found here.

Every Saturday, Ilaxi Patel conduct Reading, Stories and Activities at Swagat Children Library. Books are carefully selected to help develop reading skills and cultivate interest. She gives an opportunity to choose their own books and follow step to step reading as per the reading level of the child. This helps to foster lifelong love for reading.

A special set of books are arranged on the Library table – Stories, comics, magazines etc. Children pick their choice and gradually are encouraged to read. Later, they write book reviews, narrate the story or debate in the classroom. Random activity helps them boost their skills and love for Library class.

A BOOK CLUB is formed for Kids and Adults (only women) with Book Reviews’ Session. Members share their book reads and even debate on various topics thereby.

Gain deeper understanding of your child’s life through Swagat Children Library Book Club for Kids and get closer to your child by encouraging early learning and literary skills. By actively being a member of Adult Book Club, Parents can be Role Models and establish routine reading and sharing book reads. Foster Literacy at Home by being active member of Book Club at Swagat.

Each month, we choose a new book that is read – will review and discuss.  Later, we can have talks on Books and Book Recommendations – Also Publishing, POD Publishing, Book selling, Marketing, etc. Tips of writing and creative writing sessions will be conducted if needed.

Ilaxi Patel recommends ‘Book of the Month’ for Online Readers and reviews of TOP SELECTED BOOKS, which can be found in Kids, Parents and Teachers Book Review Section.

Ilaxi Patel, Author of Guardian of Angel, specialize in Children Talks and Parenting. If you’re interested in having Ilaxi speak to your Children/Group, send a note about the event with the subject, “Author Event.”

You can even meet me at

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CONTACT : contact@kidsfreesouls.com  

JOIN MY AUTHORS BOOK REVIEWS GROUP AT LINKEDIN – Many Authors and Publishers Worldwide have joined my Group here: Meet the intellectuals, share your book, book reads and interact.


Some Book Articles can be read Online in Moms Zone


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