Home Kids News Creep and Crawlies Day by Kangaroo Kids School

Creep and Crawlies Day by Kangaroo Kids School


Kangaroo Kids recently organized the “Creep and Crawlies Day” for little toddlers. As a part of Knowledg Initiative, the School came with an innovative idea and a concept in tune to the current taste of Kids offering an interesting world of creepy and crawly insects, butterflies, dinosaurs, dragons and more. Synonymous with the theme, learning was fun and exciting, as little ones understood complex concepts surrounding vermiculture, apiculture and the like.

Classrooms were transformed into colourful learning centres decorated with artistic displays, models and pictures where the little ones viewed the metamorphosis of caterpillars; life cycles of a spider, ladybug and other such species.

Astonishing facts and figures were creatively imparted with the help of short stories, puppet shows, movies, and exciting hands-on activities.  Teachers had a field day as they donned the garb of bees, butterflies, and ladybugs and indulged in a song and dance, which enthralled the little ones.  As the creepy and crawlies jostled for space, giving them competition were the dinosaurs, as children took a walk though a Jurassic-park like set-up all replete with models of different types of dinos, and took a quiz at the end of it all.  This was not all to feed children’s appetite; connoisseurs from diverse fields spoke to children on apiculture, vermiculture, and thereby imparted relevant knowledge.

An insect and reptile shop sold goodies and other accessories, as a Polaroid Photoshop saw children strike a pose dressed as their favourite characters.  The activity room was abuzz with butterfly paintings, games, insect t-shirts, caps, insect modelling and a tattoo corner.

Kangaroo Kids has always endeavoured to break away from the traditional teaching practices with an orientation towards more experiential and contemporary concepts of learning. The curriculum stresses on “hands-on” learning which makes it less stressful and more interesting.  This entails the creation of educational resource material that children can manipulate and interact with; this makes it stand out in stark contrast to other medium of instruction or information.


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