Home Culture & Festivals Holi – Festival of colors

Holi – Festival of colors

holi kidsfs

March had been the first month on the early Roman calendar and was called Martius. Later, the ancient Romans made January the beginning of the year and March became the third month with 31 days and its name honors Mars,  The Roman God of War. In India, Holi is round the corner and on the full moon day of the month of Phalgun when the Ashoka trees and Mango trees are in bloom,

when the foliage buds of leaf almond are long and slender against the blue and when the scarlet plumes of the Palash stand out on its naked branches – Here comes Holi and its Colors of Love, colors of Life. It’s time to paint the town red and spread the message of love – colors fill live with beauty and leave lasting impressions on minds. Your liking for different colors reveal your moods and personality. Check this out and Paint the town Red with Kidsfreesoul ideas – Yeah, but lemme tell you one secret – I never Play Holi;-) Ugh, oh! Holy don’t like the mess around:-(

Happy Holi – Enjoy! Keep the Faith!

ilaxi, Editor, Kidsfreesouls



‘Tilak Holi’ i.e. no playing and messing up instead only offering colors of love and putting pinch of color on forehead to their friends, family.


Antiquity of Holi

The festival of Holi is very ancient. Originally the form of the word was Holaka and from the reference in the Bhashya of Sabara, the purva mimasa sutra, it appears that it was in the ancient times a usage very prevalent in the Eastern parts of Bharata. Holaka is observed by all Aryas. Hola is a special rite performed for the Saubhagya of women and in that rite, Raka (full moon) is the diety.Holika purnima is also called Hutasani. The Phalgun full moon day is said to be known as Phalgunika, as full of boyish pranks and tending to the prosperity of people and another quality, pranks with powder. In Bhavishyottara Purana, Yudhishthira asks Krishna why in each town and village a festival is held on Phalgun poornima, why boys become boisterous in each house and kindle Holaka. Krishna replies him a legend about King Raghu when the citizens approached with a complaint about a certain rakshashini who had god a boon from Shiva that she would not be killed by gods, men nor suffer from arms nor from heat, cold or rain.However, she would be in danger from boys going about crazy. When the king consulted his priest, he was told that on Phalguna 15, the season of cold vanishes and summer starts that people may laugh and enjoy, that boys with bits of wood in their hands may go out of their house, collect a heap of wood and grass, set it on fire with mantras, clap their hands, go around the fire thrice, laugh, sing and by their noise, laughter and homa, the ogress would die. Thus, Holaka died. Holaka prevailed atleast some centuries before christ.

It also tells the tale of Prahlad, son of King Hiranyakashyapa. Prahlad was a great devotee of god and after many attemps the boy did not stop praying. So, Holika, sister of the King Hiranyakashyapa, who was blessed with a boon that fire cannot kill her, sat with Prahlad and the holi pyre was lit. Amazingly, Prahlad was saved and Holika was burnt. This was a triump of good over evil and so, people celebrate Dhuleti.

Holi is also associated with Dol yatra, rocking image of Krishna-radha and in UP, the legendery home of Radha, women go to Nandgaon, home of Krishna and challenge men to throw colours on them. This is reciprocated and also known as Lathmar Holi.




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