Home Journalism How to write Effective Press Note

How to write Effective Press Note



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Many a times ‘Big shot’ companies need an exposure but stay cool, expecting the press to make their coverages. Sometimes the Press releases are sent but hardly noted by the Press too! Online Press releases is a different perspective altogether. Press releases are a great way to let the world know what’s going on with you, your company or your organization. Whether you’re promoting a new technology that may be of wide interest to the world or a local event that’s important to your community! A well-written press release can help you drive traffic to your site. If it works in affiliation, advertisement or strategic alliance, the stat counter too shows positive upward flow of exposure on the web. This is a sure fire way to generate traffic and be the pick of the web.

Get started with Freesouls Press releases  cool tips to shoot the charts:

Get to the point
The main reason for writing the release should be clearly stated in the first paragraph and/or the title. Focus on the basics: who, what, when, where, why and how.

Act cleverStarting with a catchy, cute, or memorable phrase or title is a grand way to get attention.

Length of ContentKeep it under one page – about 350 words. In fact, the shorter, the better. Don’t waste people’s time with flashy prose and lengthy build-ups, or you’ll lose your audience. If you have a lot ofinformation that needs to get out, make a Web page and paste the URL into the press release. Don’t send the attachments.  Explaining too much in a small space will reduce your effectiveness and attaching contents may not be opened.

Don’t forget the contact info!

This is a frequent mistake of first-timers. The press needs to know how to reach you in every way possible, so be certain to include your name, address, telephone number, email address, and URLs with everything you distribute.

Learn the correct style and tone
If you’re not familiar with writing press releases, visit www.PRNewswire.com   or www.Businesswire.com  and many such sites to freak a while and get inspirations.

Relax, keep cool & stay tuned if your Press release is not noticed! The Press print & Online media is exhaustive and may not respond prompt but you are there on the list somehow to be released. Or else, Just forget it. Keep the faith.


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