Home Infographics Keep Kids Safe online from Bullying

Keep Kids Safe online from Bullying


Technology Influence – Keep Kids Safe online

A research shows that on average kids are spending 14 hours online a week and the family home is the most common place kids are doing this,” Telstra’s General Manager for Digital Inclusion in Australia Jill Riseley said. “We found that three quarters of parents have rules for their children’s Internet use with access to certain websites, use of certain apps or games and limits on the amount of online time spent each day all being regulated in some way.

“While these rules will help protect children from inappropriate content and create a balance between participating online and being active during the day, these days online safety is more than just using security software and passwords, it involves the actual ethics of being online and respect for others.”

The best way for parents to teach children respect for others and protect them against cyber-bullying was to find out what they did on social media sites and be involved in their online world. It was also important to remind children that saying things online was the same as saying things in real life.

Here is infograph to keep children safe from cyberbullying.


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