Home Culture & Festivals Mohorram – ID

Mohorram – ID




Islam means ‘submission’ (to the will of God).
A Muslim is ‘one who submits’ who is guided in every daily act by the word of God. Koran preaches man’s fate, judgments, rewards, and punishment – Paradise & Hell.Koran says ‘Peace is one of the God’s name. Those who seek to please god
are assured of the sixteenth surah that they will be guided by him to the ‘paths of peace’ and according to Koran, God does not love fasad or violence. This is action which results in disruption of the social system, causing huge losses in terms of lives and property.


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Religion is a faith that is observed by a mass of people in their own special way. Muslim Festival Mohorram will be celebrated Somewhere in Feb or March, it is the thought that gives rise that isn’t all roads leading to Rome? God is one but to attain peace and purity, humans adopt different paths. Muslims walk with the faith of Mohammed whatever their division be, the sunni or the shites. The principles of truth lies with charity, generosity, love, unity with the Koran preaching’s, the five pillars of Islam – Faith in Allah, Praying, five times a day, Almsgiving, Keeping the Fast and Pilgrimage to Mecca. Mohammed once told his followers when they returned from battle that ‘You have come back from lesser to greater struggle’ On asking to elaborate the statement, he said ‘The greater struggle is the struggle within’.

Mohorram marks the beginning of the Muslim Year. It is primarily associated with the period of mourning observed in commemoration of the martyrdom of ‘Ali’s son and Muhammad’s grandson Husain. Ali and his elder son Hasan are also remembered during this period as having suffered and died for the cause of righ-teousness. On the tenth day of Mohorram Husain was brutally murdered by troops of the Ummayyad Caliph Yazid (d. A.D. 683) after having refused to take the oath to him. He left Medina for Kufa in Iraq with followers of his women and children and close relatives. As Husain and his following approached the plains of Karbala, they were intercepted by Yazid’s troops under the command of ‘Ubaydullah, the governor of Kufa. On the morning of the fatal day, 10th Mohorram, Husain fought bravely till he was slain, the last on the battlefield. His violent death to this day awakens the sympathy of the faithful who remember his martyrdom with sorrow and indignation. On New moon, people assemble in imam bara (permanent meeting place) and recite fatihah, drinking sherbat or so remembering Husain and inside the decorated imam, the tazias or tabuts are placed, wooden structures with silver paper, colored paper and tinsel fringes. They are made with imagination and artistic sense and are meant to represent Husain’s mausoleum. From the seventh to the tenth of Mohorram, processions are held to commemorate the martyrdom of Hasan’s son, Qasim, who was slain shortly after his wedding, as well as the martyrdom of Husain. On the twelfth day, people sit up all night reading the Koran followed by act of charity.

The Koran Fatiha …this one’s a beautiful prayer….

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Praise belongs to God, Lord of all Being
the All-merciful, the All-compassionate
the Master of the Day of Doom
Thee only we serve; to Thee alone we pray for succor
Guide us in the straight path
the path of those whom Thou hast blessed,
not of those against whom Thou art wrathful
nor of those who are astray.

Kidsfreesouls wishes all people of Muslim Faith
“Happy Ramzan – Happy EId”


HAJ at the Mount of Mercy ‘Mount Arafat’ in Saudi Arabia-More than 2 Million Muslims from world gather once a year for holy Pilgrimage on the Arafat. Under scorching heat, endless flow of pilgrims stayed until sundown on the Arafat plain where the prophet Mohammed gave his last sermon 14 centuries ago. The Pilgrims stay on the plain represent man’s wait for the Last Judgement. According to Islamic tradition, it is also the place where Adam and Eve ‘recognised’ each other after being expelled from the Garden of Eden. Pilgrim men wore two seamless pieces of white cloth symbolising ‘Equality’ while women were entirely covered except for their hands and faces. Muslims scaled the rocky slopes as they listened to sermons and chanted calls to prayer with the chant ‘Here I am, Allah, responding to your call, here I am, Allah, there is no other God but you’

KORAN (Quran)

The Koran (Reading) is the one sacred scripture of Islam. Muslims believe that all 114 of its chapters called suras, came to Mohammed as revelations of God in a dream by Gabriel. The Koran forms the foundation stone of life in all Muslim lands. The word Islam means ‘submission’ (to the will of God). A Muslim is ‘one who submits’ who is guided in every daily act by the word of God. Koran preaches man’s fate, judgments, rewards, and punishment – Paradise & Hell. The true believer must honor his parents, help the poor, protect orphans, be honorable and just in all dealings, avoid strong drink, pork and gambling and be humble before Allah. Koran says ‘Peace is one of the God’s name. Those who seek to please god are assured of the sixteenth surah that they will be guided by him to the ‘paths of peace’ and according to Koran, God does not love fasad or violence. This is action which results in disruption of the social system, causing huge losses in terms of lives and property.

Lord’s prayer of Islam – The first sura “the essence of Koran”

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful!

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, the Beneficent, the Merciful, Ruler of the Day of Judgement,

Thee only we worship; Thee alone we ask for help.Show us the straight path, The path of those whom thou hast favored

Not of those who have earned Thine anger nor of those who go astray.

Generosity & Love

Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing. Those who spend their wealth for the cause of Allah and afterward make no reproach nor let injury follow that which they have spent, their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon them, neither shall they grieve. A kind word with forgiveness is better than almsgiving followed by injury. Allah is Absolute, Merciful. O ye who believe! Do not render your almsgiving vain by injury and reproach, like him who spends his wealth only to be seen and believes not in Allah and the Last day.

The Unity

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful!

Say: He is Allah, the One!

Allah, the eternally Besought of all!

He Begetteth not nor was begotten

And there is none comparable unto him.

(Mohammed said : “The Unity” was equal in value to a third part of the entire Koran)


Whatever alms ye spend or vow ye vow, lo! Allah knoweth it. Wrongdoers have no helpers. If ye publish your almsgiving, it is well, but if you hide it and give it to the poor, it will be better for you, and will atone for some of your ill deeds. Allah is informed of what ye do..


FAST OF RAMADAN – Little Bairam

The Ninth month of Moslem year is known as Ramadan when Mohammed is supposed to have received his first revelations. In commemoration of this, Moslems fast from sunrise until sunset during the month leading upto Mohammed’s “Night of Power” when according to tradition Gabriel first told him of his mission. It is said that on this “Night of Power” the gates of Paradise are open, the gates of Hell shut and the devils in chains.

Mohammed had known of fasting by ascetic Jews and early Christians. The Ramadan fast lasts entire month, but only during the daylight hours. “Eat and drink until so much of the dawn appears that a white thread may be distinguished from a black. Then keep the fast completely until night” says the Koran. The fast of Ramadan is the most carefully observed of all religious duties by many moslems. Not only must they refrain from food and drink between dawn and dark, but they must not commit any unworthy act. One lie can make a day’s fast meaningless. The day is supposed to be spent in prayer and meditation. Once the sunset gun has sounded, the feasting begins. And at the end of Ramadan comes Little Bairam, a festival of good will and gift giving somewhat like Christmas in spirit.

BAKRI ID – Greater Bairam

Religion is a faith that is observed by a mass of people in their own special way. Muslim Festival Bakri Id falls around March, it is the thought that gives rise that isn’t all roads leading to Rome? God is one but to attain peace and purity, humans adopt different paths. Muslims walk with the faith of Mohammed whatever their division be, the sunni or the shites. The principles of truth lies with charity, generosity, love, unity with the Koran preachings, the five pillars of Islam – Faith in Allah, Praying, five times a day, Almsgiving, Keeping the Fast and Pilgrimage to Mecca. Mohammed once told his followers when they returned from battle that ‘You have come back from lesser to greater struggle’ On asking to elaborate the statement, he said ‘The greater struggle is the struggle within’.


Fasting during Ramadan : Muslims learn the virtues of patience, humility and spirituality

People who are travelling long distances do not have to fast – nor do pregnant or breastfeeding women and those who are menstruating.

During Ramadan, Muslims ask forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance on new problems, and ask for help in refraining from everyday “evils”.

Ramadan observers are encouraged to read entire Qur’an during the month of Ramadan. They must strive to maintain pure thoughts and avoid obscene and irreligious sights and sounds.


Begins 10th August 2010

Dubai 11th August 2010

In US and Canada 12th August 2010

Ramadan is about remembrance and return — remembrance of the origins of Islam, and return to its essence.

This America, Ramadan needs its Muslims

Ramadan Chart 2010

Mecca’s Giant Clock starts ticking on Ramadan. It signal the beginning of Ramadan. It took 90 million pieces of colored glass mosaic to cover the clock’s tower. Green and white lights flash five times daily as a reminder to pray. For those far from Mecca, there are cell phone apps, like iPray, which beeps at prayer times.

The clock has four faces and is visible from all corners of Mecca.

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