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Tomatoes ‘elixir for life’



Somewhere I read, Researchers have discovered that men who consumed ten servings of tomatoes a week can cut the risk of developing prostate cancer by 45 per cent, while seven servings of raw tomatoes a week lower the risk of developing rectal colon or stomach cancers by 60 per cent.

Well, I had a thought that men should preferably avoid Tomatoes, asparagus, lady fingers and the like in excess which had seeds in it as they can invite kidney stone problems.

And, for women Tomatoes is ‘elixir for life’ or call it ‘fountain of youth’ as tomatoes are rich in fibre and are low in calories and great for rejuvenation. It minimize ageing and keep the skin firm. They have two anti ageing free radicals – lycopene and beta carotene. The tomatoes which have brightest shades of red are the ones that have high amounts of beta carotene and lycopene.

Another thing I noted is, Tomato Lycopene may prevent Osteoporosis especially in adults and the aged. In a study in Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, a study researched on some 370 men and 576 women. Those who had higher lycopene intake had lower risk of both hip fracture and non-vertebral fracture, leading the researchers to believe that lycopene may be protective against fractures in this population of elderly Caucasian men and women.

Some of the Tomato facts reveal that cooked tomatoes are richer than raw ones and cooking tomatoes in olive oil allows body to absorb the lypcopene better. They are rich in potassium and contain niacin, vitamin B6, folate which are great for the heart. The beta carotene gets converted into Vitamin A once eaten and Vitamin A helps in the development of healthy skin, hair and aids vision and development of bones and teeth.

Well, now talking on Tomatoes take me back – down memory lane when I was kid and we use to grow Tomatoes in our backyard! And even the lady’s finger, bitter gourd and chillies! Eating tomatoes raw or with salt and pepper or filled in between breads is just great treats. Soups or just salads and its relishing as we prepare various dishes that cannot go spicy without the add on of tomato gravy.

(All Posts by ilaxi patel: This Health & Fitness Blog is based on personal thoughts and research work. Readers may please Consult your Doctor for your Health Problems)


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